Monday, May 18, 2020

My Code Of Ethics The Primary Principles Are Integrity,...

In my code of ethics the primary principles are integrity, respect, and empathy. I have always lived my life based off of theses three principles. Sometimes it feels challenging to live by these principles, but I always remember what my parents have taught me and I get motivated to keep living off these principles. My parent’s happiness matters a lot to me and that helps me stay motivated. I would never do something that would upset my parents or make them ashamed of me. They have given me everything I ever needed in life and taught me everything I know today. My decision making process revolves around how I feel about a particular situation because every situation has a different solution. So my decision making process is Intuitive because it depends on my perspective on that particular situation. My decision-making comes natural when I am put in a situation to make a decision. Also making my parent proud and respecting them helps me stays motivated to do the right things and follow my personal principles of integrity, respect, and empathy. My methodology includes (1) Identify the problem, (2) Look for ethical solutions, (3) Pick the best solution for that particular problem, (4) Execute the solution, (5) Reflect back on the solution and see if it was a good solution and, if not think about how you could have handled it in a better situation. My decision-making is intuitive and comes natural when I am put in a situation but I still have steps that I follow to help me makeShow MoreRelatedThe Nasw Code Of Ethics1112 Words   |  5 PagesThe NASW Code Of Ethics The National Association Of Social Work has a long history in the United States. A code of ethics was developed by a delegate of social workers for social workers to live by. The delegate has revised the code many times since its development in 1960. 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